
The HKCC Remote Laboratory* is a web-based service to enable remote off-campus access to experimental sets for science and engineering education. The Laboratory provides a flexible and independent learning experience to students. Teachers can use it during class to demonstrate how theories work in the real world. On the other side, students can reinforce the scientific and engineering principles learnt after class by conducting experiments according to their study pace without time and place limitations. The equipment in the Laboratory can be remotely controlled in real-time by users through web browsers on different devices (e.g. PC, mobile, and tablet). Experimental results will be displayed on the browser which can be saved for further analysis.

The Laboratory provides the following 4 experimental sets which can be accessed remotely at any time and place:

  • Conservation of Energy (Mechanics)
  • Interference and Diffraction (Optics)
  • The Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction (Electromagnetism)
  • RC and RL Circuits (Electricity)

Click to watch a video to find out more about HKCC Remote Laboratory.

You may access our laboratory here.

*The HKCC Remote Laboratory was developed under the project titled “Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Education”. This project was financially supported by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (QESS, HKSAR) and Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU HKCC).

