
Publications by CPCE Scholars


Nascent Filmmakers in Hong Kong, 2000-2020

Nascent Filmmakers in Hong Kong, 2000-2020

Authored by Dr Sharon Chen Fangyu

Authored by Dr Sharon Chen, Lecturer of the Division of Languages and Communication, this book investigates the situations of current nascent generation who joined the film industry as it gradually entered an era marked by the domination of Hong Kong/mainland co-productions. It is an interdisciplinary study of the commerce–art–politics nexus of Hong Kong cinema from 2000 to 2020.
Employing a Hong Kong/mainland film dynamics perspective, this study addresses a gap in the academic study of Hong Kong cinema, drawing attention to the material conditions and artistic visions of the craft labour in the industry.

本書由語文及傳意學部講師陳方玉博士所著,探討香港與內地合拍電影漸成主流之際,新生代電影工作者的現況。本書也是對 2000 至 2020 年香港電影的商業、藝術、政治關係的跨學科研究。


Gaps and Actions in Health Improvement from Hong Kong and Beyond: All for Health

Gaps and Actions in Health Improvement from Hong Kong and Beyond: All for Health

Co-edited by: Dr Ben Fong and Dr William Chi Wai Wong
編輯: 方玉輝醫生、黃志威醫生

This book presents the latest insights into public health strategies, service delivery, and policies.  It includes contributions from both academic experts and seasoned practitioners in the fields of public health and social sciences.  An indispensable resource for students, interns, and professionals engaged in public health services, planning, and development.


Disaster Management and Emergency Medicine in the Asia-Pacific Region: Current Practices and Future Directions

Disaster Management and Emergency Medicine in the Asia-Pacific Region: Current Practices and Future Directions (2023)

Co-edited by: Prof. Kenneth Fong and Dr Ben Fong

Edited by Prof. Kenneth Fong, Professor at the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things of PolyU, and Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of the Division of Science, Engineering and Health Studies of PolyU CPCE, this book is the first of its kind in Hong Kong to offer insights and first-hand experience from experts in healthcare and higher education to strengthen community resilience and reduce the risks caused by events such as the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan and the COVID-19 pandemic with better disaster management. 


Study Text for purple hairpin

Environmental, Social and Governance and Sustainable Development in Healthcare (2023)

Co-authored by: Dr Tiffany Cheng Han Leung, Dr Oscar Chiu, Dr Cindy Shi-Xiang You and Dr Ben Fong

Co-authored by Dr Oscar Chiu, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Science, Engineering Health Studies (SEHS), Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of SEHS and other scholars, this book is first one to apply environmental, social and governance (ESG) in healthcare. The book also examines the paradigm in healthcare technology advancement and expansion in private healthcare services through healthcare policies, ESG and UN's “The Sustainable Development Goal 3” objectives, research, training and practice especially when growing ageing population is becoming a global issue.

本書由科技、工程及健康學部(SEHS) 高級講師趙宏健博士,以及SEHS副主任方玉輝醫生與其他學者合著,是第一本在醫療保健領域中應用環境、社會和管治(ESG)指標的書籍。特別是在人口老化日益成為全球性問題的情況下,該書透過保健政策、ESG 和聯合國「可持續發展目標 3」的目標、研究、培訓和實踐,探討了一些醫療保健技術在私人醫療保健服務中的進步和擴展範例。

Wang Yuyang Poetry

Ageing with Dignity in Hong Kong and Asia: Holistic and Humanistic Care (2022)

Co-edited by: Dr Vincent Law and Dr Ben Fong

Edited by Dr Vincent Law, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, and Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of the Division of Science, Engineering and Health Studies, this book advocates the application of holistic and humanistic care and services for older adults. It also utilises multidimensional perspectives in responding to damaged dignity and increasing health needs of older adults caused by the ageing population in Hong Kong and Asia. 



Annotations to Menzi
《孟子》今註今譯 (2022)

Authored by: Dr Vincent Law

Authored by Dr Vincent Law, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, this book recreates the full text of Mencius in modern plain language with new annotations. The author hopes that readers can apply Mencius’s wisdom to their own conduct using a contemporary perspective


Reading the Qur’an

Reading the Qur’an

Authored by: Dr Alice Lie

Authored by Dr Alicia Lie, Lecturer of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, this book aims to rethink Islam and fight extremism.

This book argues against a literal interpretation of the Qur’an and puts forward a methodology for interpreting this key religious text. This book also argues that the main criterion for being a Muslim should be moral action rather than a confession of faith.




Social workers in China From ignorance to life
平凡之路社會工作督導活動與實踐案例 (2022) 

Co-authored by: Dr Charlie Chen

Co-authored by Dr Charlie Chen, Lecturer of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, this book adopts a narrative method to investigate the personal development paths of six social workers with different years of service, specialisations and experience levels.

This book explores the challenges and hurdles of social work development in mainland China with a personal touch; it  also proposes that the government reform social work education to provide social workers with more professional training.



澳門發展康養旅遊的潛力 — 利益相關者視角的戰略思考

The Potential of Developing Wellness Tourism in Macao – Strategic Considerations from the Perspective of Stakeholders澳門發展康養旅遊的潛力 — 利益相關者視角的戰略思考 (2022)

Co-authored by: Dr Joseph Lau

Co-authored by Dr Joseph Lau, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Business and Hospitality Management, this book analyses Macau’s economy after being severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This book also suggests that the prospects for developing wellness tourism and medical tourism in Macau are optimistic and puts forward suggestions for strategic vision planning.



Wang Yuyang Poetry

The Poetry Commentary of Wang Yuyang’s Poetry               《王漁洋詩選注》 (2022)

Annotated by: Mr Gary Wu


As one of the most influential poets of the early Qing Dynasty, Wang Shizhen, aka “Yuyang Shanren”, was a prolific poet having a repertoire of up to 4,000 poems. Among his many well-received works of various poetic forms, Wang is best known for his Qijue. He did a marvelous job in combining the favourable features of Tang poetry and Song poetry, which enables his poetry to be utterly expressive while leaving readers with a lasting impression. In recent years, literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties has drawn more attention than ever. Thus, taking a closer look at this prolific and leading poet in early Qing’s literature should be a desideratum.

The book is a compilation of around 80 poetical works of  Wang. Apart from "modern-style" poetry (Jintishi), more attention has been paid to "ancient-style" poetry (Gushi) compared with other books of the like. By providing accurate commentary, this book aims at explaining the vocabulary, telling of allusions, and commenting on the poems’ features to facilitate readers’ appreciation of the charisma of this celebrated poet in the Qing Dynasty.




Chinese Loanwords in Hong Kong—A Study on Language Contact and Cultural Integration

Authored by: Dr YEUNG, Hong-ting Joyce

The title of this book is Chinese Loanwords in Hong Kong—A Study on Language Contact and Cultural Integration.  It aims to take the language phenomenon in Hong Kong as the foundation of the research, as well as integrate the previous literature reviews and history of Chinese loanwords to analyze the development of Chinese including Cantonese loanwords in Hong Kong. 
The content of the book carries out in interdisciplinary fields, including linguistics, history, sociology, and cultural studies, etc. to explore how Chinese loanwords, as a language and cultural symbol to present the historical development and cultural characteristics of Hong Kong society, and how it affects people's daily life and language habits. 

This book expects to analyze the concept and system of Chinese loanwords from a broader perspective through interdisciplinary fields. The researcher eagerly transform the innovation of knowledge and research breakthrough into respective fields of the society. The book expects to strengthen the connection between Chinese academic research and Chinese education to meet the needs of Hong Kong and other Chinese languages regions in future. 





Confessions of Utsu
鬱的告白 (2022)

Co-authored by: Mr Gary Wu

This book is authored by the literary duo group “ineichashitsu” co-founded by Dr Gary Wu, Lecturer of the Division of Languages and Communication.

This book is inspired by Yasunari Kawabata’s Palm-of-the-Hand Stories and Tanizaki Junichiro’s concept of “inei”. Flash Fiction is the main genre of the whole book, while mixing with prose and poetry to limn the eccentric but ordinary daily life in the authors’ eyes.



Systems Thinking and Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Systems Thinking and Sustainable Healthcare Delivery (2022)

Edited by: Dr Ben Fong

Edited by Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of the Division of Science, Engineering and Health Studies, this book discusses how to strengthen our healthcare systems and ensure sustainable community healthcare delivery by using systems thinking, an approach to understanding complex interactions of individual system elements.

The book also reviews and discusses systems in the context of accessibility, coverage, quality and safety of community health services to achieve selected global health targets in UN’s “The Sustainable Development Goal 3”.


該書亦回顧和討論社區健康衛生服務的可及性、覆蓋範圍、質量和安全性方面的系統,以實現聯合國「可持續發展目標 3 」中的特定全球衛生目標。

Study Text for purple hairpin

Study Text for Purple Hairpin

Co-authored by: Prof Chan Sauyan, Dr Cheung Kwan-hin, Dr Ho Koon-wan
作者:陳守仁教授、張群顯博士 何冠環博士

Adapted from Ming dynasty playwright Tang Xianzu's play with the same name, Purple Hairpin by Tong Dik-sang is considered the most successful Canto-opera on courtesans, rendering it a Canto-operatic classic.

Yet, for various reasons, Tong's adaptation is not without flaws from historical and geographical perspectives, especially as regards the proper names used. Those bugs are in the main left unfixed hitherto.

Apart from fulfilling the expected function of annotating the play in terms of music, language and theatrical art, this study text goes one step further to thoroughly re-edit the entire play, rectifying certain anachronisms, mis-locations, and similar anomalies. It is hoped that this re-edited version adds even more favour to this classic.




Writing as meaning-making

Writing as Meaning-Making: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach to EFL Writing (2022)

Authored by: Dr Winfred Xuan

This book investigates Chinese secondary EFL learners' meaning-making abilities in English L2 writing by adopting theoretical frameworks used in systemic functional linguistics (SFL). It offers a comprehensive guide to Chinese high school students' use of lexico-grammatical resources in L2 English writing for frontline L2 writing teachers, TESOL practitioners, pre-service teachers, and all professionals engaged in researching and teaching L2 writing. In particular, the book seeks to fill the current gaps in secondary school L2 writing research in the Asian context.


Andrew Hung 2022

《中國傳統婚姻與兩性的現代哲思》 (2022)

Authored by: Dr Andrew Hung Tsz-wan

This book investigates the modern transformation of traditional Chinese marriage and gender culture with an interdisciplinary approach. It also makes a modern philosophical reflection on traditional culture in face of certain modern marriage and gender issues. 


The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community

Ageing and Effecting Long-term Care in China (2021)

Co-authored by: Dr Sabrina Luk, Dr Hui Zhang, Prof. Peter P. Yuen 

This book compares the key features of long-term care insurance (LTCI) schemes in 15 pilot cities and evaluates the sustainability of various financing models adopted by the cities in the LTCI schemes. This book uses an interpretive case study approach to give an in-depth look into the LTC models in three pilot cities – Qingdao, Nantong, and Shanghai. The three cities represent three different models of financing and delivering LTC. To assess how effective the LTC models in these three cities are, this book uses five criteria, namely the utilisation of medical resources, cost, equity, the quality of care and sustainability. Also, the authors discuss how the financing and delivery of LTC can be improved in China, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults in need of LTC in the country and the implications of China’s LTCI reform for other countries. This book will be a useful reference for scholars and policy-makers who look at urban ageing and healthcare costs and delivery.

本書比較15 個試驗長期護理保險計劃(LTCI)的城市,並評估不同財政模式的可持續性。本書利用詮釋性個案研究方法,深入瞭解青島、南通和上海這三個城市的長期護理 (LTC)模式。這三個城市各有不同的LTC財政模式和方案,為了評估其LTC的有效性,本書以五項指標為基準:醫療資源運用、成本、衡平性、護理質素及可持續性。此外,作者探討了如何改進中國LTC模式,2019 年冠狀病毒大流行對老齡人士LTC需求的影響,以至中國 LTCI 改革對其他國家的影響。本書將為學者和政策制定者提供有關研究城市老齡化和醫療保健服務的參考。

Marketing Guide (2021)

Marketing Guide (2021)

Authored by: Dr Kiki Chan Oy-lar

The book aims at enjoyable and easy reading by supplementing local real-life examples. It gives students the ability to recognize how much marketing principles play a role in their day-to-day lives. It provides systematic manner of coverage of topics beginning with strategic marketing planning and ethics in marketing, continuing with marketing mix and marketing environment, and ending with consumer behaviour and global markets.

A series of end-of-chapter exercises are designed for students to apply the marketing concepts they have just learned to different business or market settings.



The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community

Sustainable Development Goal 3: Health and Well-being of Ageing in Hong Kong (2021)

Co-authored by: Dr Ben FongDr Vincent Law, Dr Tiffany Leung, Dr Man-fung Lo, Mr Tommy Ng, Ms Hilary Yee

This book looks at several critical health issues related to ageing. The elderly, particularly those with low socio-economic status, rely more on acute-centric care rather than primary care. This book suggests that secondary care service may only be effective to a limited extent as a healthcare measure and an optimum healthcare system should be one that focuses on primary care. The authors put forth a compelling argument for disease prevention and screening schemes and explain how they are more cost-effective and beneficial to society and the system. This thoughtful book will provide beneficial insights into the relationship of ageing and Sustainable Development Goals in the context of health and wellness for policymakers and healthcare professionals.


The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community

The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community (2021)

Co-edited by: Dr Ben Fong, Prof. Martin C.S. Wong

This handbook, which integrates research and practice of public health in the community, aims to help achieve the shared goal of healthier communities and quality of life for residents. This handbook should be a very useful resource for healthcare professionals and government bodies in the planning of initiatives to improve population health, prevent chronic diseases, control infectious diseases, and prepare for natural disasters.



《中國人的家庭智慧》 (2021)

Authored by: Dr Andrew Hung Tsz-wan

This book investigates the transformation of Chinese family culture from traditional to modern based on a cross-disciplinary approach. It also explores certain modern family issues with a modern philosophical reflection on traditional family culture.


How to be a husband

How to Be a Husband: Models of Masculinity as Seen in Household Instructions (Jiaxun) in Qing China《丈夫守則與「齊家」之道──清代家訓中的男性建構》(2021)

Authored by:  Dr Kelvin Ho Yu-hin

This book reviews men’s awareness of their gender roles, their management of relations among female family members, and the social and cultural norms for men in the Qing period. This book also fosters a deeper understanding of relations between husband and wife during the Qing period by providing a thorough analysis that shall contribute to the field of men’s studies, especially about imperial Chinese society.


Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management - A Multifaceted Concept (2020)

Authored by:  Dr Carmen Sum ka-man
作者: 沈嘉敏博士

Authored by Dr Carmen Sum, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Business and Hospitality Management, this book consolidates the critical concepts of Customer Relationship Management and integrates them with the latest information and technology about communication and data management. Data privacy and ethics in managing customer relationship are also discussed with a focus on the local business environment.


青年「奴」工:廿一世紀初的香港故事 (2020)

青年「奴」工:廿一世紀初的香港故事 (2020)

Edited by:  Dr Lee Chun-wing

This book, edited by Dr Lee Chun-wing, Lecturer of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, interviews Hong Kong young people working in different sectors to investigate their challenges. In recent years, the public has become more aware of different aspects of society. However, little attention has been paid to the working conditions of young people. The editor hopes this book could raise public awareness of this issue.


Clinical Pratice in General Practice

Clinical Practice in General Practice 
全科醫學實踐教程 (2020)

Co-edited by:  Dr Ben FongMr T.L.Chen

Co-edited by Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of the Division of Science, Engineering and Health Studies and Professor of Practice (Health Studies), together with specialists and academics from Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou, Huizhou and Sian, this book aims to promote the practical development of general practice under the national strategy of “Healthy China”. It also serves as a training manual for general practitioners and a reference for clinical practice, teaching and research.


全民戰疫冠狀病毒 COVID-19 (2020)

全民戰疫冠狀病毒 COVID-19 (2020)

Authored by:  Dr Ben FongDr Daniel Chiu

Authored by Dr Ben Fong, Professor of Practice (Health Studies) and Associate Division Head of SEHS, and another scholar, this book discussed a variety of popular health topics on COVID-19 from a medical perspective.  This book is very informative and easy reading and serves as useful references to both community and public for fighting the virus together.


Primary Care Revisited for the New Era 


Primary Care Revisited : Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a New Era (2020)

Co-edited by: Dr Ben FongDr Vincent Law, Prof Albert Lee 

Co-edited by Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of SEHS, Dr Vincent Law, Senior Lecturer, and another scholar, this book provides practitioners and scholars with a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge and delivery models of healthcare in community settings.




《帝女花》讀本 (2020)

Co-authored by: Dr Cheung Kwan-hin, Prof Chan Sauyan 
作者:張群顯博士、 陳守仁教授

Co-authored by Dr Cheung Kwan-hin, Associate Division Head of LC with another renowned scholar, this book introduce the text of the Floral Princess by using the mud prints for the premiere in 1957 as a basis, while making appropriate references to the scripts used for numerous later performances. Extensive notes, for theatrical terms and for the libretto, are added to help readers at large to appreciate this ultimate masterpiece in Canto-opera.


Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series 


從救濟到融合──香港政府的「中國難民政策」(1945-1980) (2020)

Authored by: Dr Benny Wong

This book, authored by Dr Benny Wong, Lecturer, is adapted from his master thesis. It studies the “refugees” escaping from mainland China to Hong Kong between the end of the Japanese Occupation and the early 1980s and the Hong Kong government’s policy on these“refugees” so as to demonstrate various factors affecting the historical development of Hong Kong and the shaping process of Hong Kong people’s ethnic identity recognition.


Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series 


21世紀完全快樂自由人攻略 (2020)

Authored by: Ms Jane Chan

Ms Jane Chan, Lecturer, shares her personal experiences on how to achieve perpetual happiness via freedom of thoughts, physical/mental health, and financial freedom.


Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series 


Sustainable Energy and Green Finance for a Low-carbon Economy: Perspectives from the Greater Bay Area of China (2020)

Co-edited by: Dr Artie Ng, Prof Jingyan Fu
編輯: 吳偉昌博士、傅京燕教授

The book provides readers with essential insights into key issues in connection with planning, developing and financing sustainable energy projects in China that are relevant for practitioners, investors and developers involved in the emerging sustainable energy sector. It offers readers a deeper understanding of these contemporary issues by drawing on the lessons learned in real-world sustainable energy and green finance development activities in China, which are driven by central planning and policy implementation and complemented by investments and finances from public-private partnerships.


埃及男女:政治不正確的中東觀察 (2019) 


SDG3 - Good Health and Wellbeing: Re-Calibrating the SDG Agenda (2019)

Co-authored by: Dr Stephanie W. Lee, Dr Tamara Savelyeva, Dr Hartley Banack
作者:李穎博士、Tamara Savelyeva博士、Hartley Banack博士

Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) supplements the 2030 UN Agenda by inspiring implementation concerning global health and wellbeing. This book, co-edited by Dr Stephanie Lee, Senior Lecturer and Associate Division Head of the Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, together with two scholars, serves as a representative resource for readers wishing to further explore the scope of research, developments, and interventions relating to SDG3.

2030 年聯合國可持續發展議程中的目標3(SDG3)倡議啟發促進全球健康及福祉的實施方法。本書由高級講師兼社會科學、人文及設計學部副主任李穎博士與兩位學者合編,為有意進一步了解的讀者提供具代表性資源,深入探索SDG3 相關的研究、發展及介入措施。

埃及男女:政治不正確的中東觀察 (2019) 


Egyptian Men and Women—Politically Incorrect Observations on the Middle East

Authored by: Dr Alicia Lie

This book, authored by Dr Alicia Lie, Lecturer, chronicles the adventures of the author in Egypt in the first section, discusses social and religious issues in the second and third parts, and ends with a critique of cultural relativism in the last section.


空調系統能量回收新技術—間接蒸發冷卻原理與應用 (2019) 


空調系統能量回收新技術—間接蒸發冷卻原理與應用 (2019)

Co-authored by: Dr Cindy Chen, Prof Yang Hongxing, Prof Guo Chunmei, Prof Lv Jian

The indirect evaporative cooling for energy recovery is a novel technology for energy conservation in air-conditioning systems. This book, authored by Dr Cindy Chen, Lecturer, together with three scholars, summarises the authors’ theoretical research outputs and practical engineering experience in recent years.


Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series 


Laughter in the war : the comical literature in 1940s Shanghai亂世的笑聲:二十世紀四十年代上海喜劇文學研究 (2019)

Authored by: Dr Jian Zhang

Authored by Dr Jane Zhang, Lecturer, this book focuses on the comical literature in 1940s Shanghai and inquiries into the complicated structure of feelings in historical trauma. It investigates how different communities and groups of writers in occupied Shanghai employed various laughter inducing strategies, and articulated their own comic visions as responses to the reality of war.


Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series 


Governance Wisdom of DaxueAnnotations to Daxue and ZhongyongManagement Wisdom of Zhongyong, and Annotations to Lunyu
中庸今註今譯》《〈中庸〉的管理智慧》《論語今註今譯》 (2015 – 2019)

Authored by: Dr Vincent Law

Dr Vincent Law started to write the “Innovation from Ancient Thoughts Series” in 2015 which aims at applying ancient Chinese wisdom to the contemporary world. The Chinese book series include “Governance Wisdom of Daxue”, “Annotations to Daxue and Zhongyong”, “Management Wisdom of Zhongyong” and “Annotations to Lunyu”. For details, please click here.


Principles of Global Supply Chain Management (2019)

Principles of Global Supply Chain Management (2019)

Co-authored by: Mr Joseph LauProf. Adolf Ng, Dr Jorge Acevedo
劉銳業先生、吳蓋宇教授、Jorge Acevedo博士

Co-authored by Mr Joseph Lau, Lecturer, together with two renowned scholars from Canada and Mexico, this book gives undergraduate and sub-degree students an understanding of the concepts and practices of global supply chains.


	 Sustainable Health and Long-term Care Solutions for an Aging Population (2017)

Personal Taxation Planning in Hong Kong (2018)

Authored by: Dr Annie Ko

This book is a practical and easy-to-understand tertiary level textbook. It covers property tax, salaries tax (individual assessment and joint assessment) and stamp duty for property transactions.


	 Sustainable Health and Long-term Care Solutions for an Aging Population (2017)

兒童急症疾病及意外家庭應急手冊 (2018)

Co-authored by: Dr Daniel Chiu Cheung Shing, Dr Ben Fong

This book advises readers on the ways to deal with situations where children suffer from acute diseases, common diseases, injuries or accidents.  Step-by-step guidance is provided on the handling of over 50 conditions such as fever, diarrhea, chickenpox, asthma, electric shock and drowning.


3G 圓滿人生退休後的幸福

Do good, feel good, look good

Co-edited by: Mrs Yvonne Siu Sun Yuk-bui, BBS, Dr Ben Fong
編輯:蕭孫郁標女士 BBS、方玉輝醫生

This book is complied with the materials from the 3G Quality Retirement programme of Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care (SPHC).  It guides readers in developing a positive attitude towards ageing-related issues such as body, mind, social life and spirit.  Focusing on 3G (Do Good, Feel Good, Look Good), the book encourages readers to understand, accept and get prepared for ageing.

本書由善寧會的「3G圓滿人生輔工課程」內容輯錄而成,在身、心、社、靈等老年問題上提供正向知識,並以3G(Do Good, Feel Good, Look Good)為理念,引導讀者學習認識、接受及迎接耆年。

An empirical study of shipping networks (2018)

An Empirical Study of Shipping Networks (2018)

Authored by: Mr Joseph Lau

This book provides useful recommendations for the liner shipping companies to design shipping strategies in the fast-changing maritime industry.  Besides, it gives an overview of the key changes of liner shipping networks since 1960s.


	 Sustainable Health and Long-term Care Solutions for an Aging Population (2017)

Sustainable Health and Long-term Care Solutions for an Aging Population (2017)

Co-edited by: Dr Ben FongDr Artie NgProf. Peter Yuen

This book provides a pivotal reference source featuring the latest scholarly research on issues pertinent to health cost and financing for elderly healthcare.  Covering a number of topics such as provider accreditation, corporate social responsibility, and data management, this book facilitates research work on innovative planning and development of healthcare.


Sr Dr Joseph Chan

Target Cost Contracting Strategy in Construction – Principles, Practices and Case Studies (2017)

Co-authored by: Cr Dr Daniel Chan, Sr Dr Joseph Chan

This book presents the underlying principles and practicalities of applying the target cost contracting strategy, along with a series of short case studies.  Since the book draws on a combination of research outcomes from academia and practical case studies in the industry, both tertiary students and industry practitioners will find the book informative and useful.


Calculus Done RightCalculus Done Right (2016)

Co-authored by: Dr Lo Ching-on, Dr Ricky Mak

This book was specially written for students who wish to reinforce their understanding of the concepts of calculus and to get acquainted with the associated techniques.  It also provides a handy source of worked examples and problems for teachers.  Apart from a rich collection of exercises of progressing difficulty, each chapter includes revision notes with key definitions and theorems, with highlights on common mistakes and misconceptions of students.


Hospitality and Tourism Financial Management

Hospitality and Tourism Financial Management
酒店及旅遊業財務管理 (2016)

Co-authored by: Dr Ken Peng, Dr Henry Tsai

This book uses financial cases in the hospitality and tourism industries to analyse the economic environment and explore how financial management can create value for a company.


Labor and Class Identities in Hong Kong (2016)

Labor and Class Identities in Hong Kong (2016)

Authored by: Dr Lee Chun-wing

This book aims to give an updated understanding of class inequality in Hong Kong, and explore the two sociological theories of Individualisation and Reflexive Modernisation.  The author conducted more than 50 in-depth interviews and demonstrated how the impact of classes can be found in the interviewees’ education and work experience, as well as political attitudes.


Teaching Shakespeare to ESL Students: The Study of Language Arts in Four Major Plays (2016)Teaching Shakespeare to ESL Students: The Study of Language Arts in Four Major Plays (2016)

Co-authored by: Dr Miriam Lau, Dr Anna Tso

This book introduces the plots, characters, and language arts employed by Shakespeare’s major plays.  It includes 40 innovative lesson plans with worksheets, games and student-oriented activities that help ESL learners achieve higher levels of English proficiency and cultural sensitivity. 


Corporate Finance (2015)Corporate Finance (2015)

Co-authored by: Dr Helen Wong, Prof. Stephen Ross,
Prof. Randolph Westerfield and other scholars
作者:黃舜敏博士、Stephen Ross教授、Randolph Westerfield 教授及其他學者

The book emphasises modern fundamentals of the theory of finance and makes the theory come to life with contemporary examples.  The book has been adopted as a textbook for students at the undergraduate and MBA levels among education institutions in Hong Kong.


CSR Orientation and Employer Attractiveness (2015)CSR Orientation and Employer Attractiveness (2015)

Authored by: Dr Mike Kan

This book presents Dr Kan’s findings of a study that investigated the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Orientation of undergraduate students in their senior years and employer attractiveness in Hong Kong’s labour market.  The outcomes of the research are informative for both human resources management theories and practices in organisations where there is a debate over whether, and how, they should pursue a CSR agenda.

簡博士向高年級學士學位課程學生進行了一項調查,以探討求職者的企業責任 (CSR) 取向與企業吸引程度的關係,並把研究結果輯錄成書。由於企業在應否及如何履行CSR的問題上一直存在爭議,簡博士的研究結果為人力資源管理理論以及企業常規慣例方面,提供了寶貴的參考資訊。

足球王國 – 戰後初期的香港足球足球王國 – 戰後初期的香港足球 (2015)

Authored by: Dr Lee Chun-wing

This book analyses the development of Hong Kong football from the 1950s to 1970s by taking into account the political factors in the Cold War period.  It also explores the interplay between national identity and local identity manifested through football in Hong Kong.


PBE Paper II Management Accounting and Finance (2013)PBE Paper II Management Accounting and Finance (2013)

Co-authored by: Dr Pauline Ho, Prof. Joseph Yau

The book is specially written as the official study text to prepare candidates for Paper II of the Professional Bridging Examination (PBE) administered by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).  The PBE aims to enhance the competency level of accredited accounting technicians to degree equivalent level, helping them meet the entry requirement for CPA qualification programme.


劏房圍城:被遺忘的香港故事 (2013)劏房圍城:被遺忘的香港故事 (2013)

Authored by: Dr Alex Chan

Through Dr Chan’s interviews with the residents affected by the collapse of the tenement building on Ma Tau Wai Road in January 2010, this book aims to draw readers to the social issues of Hong Kong and contribute to the efforts for the improvement of our community.


